Family Guy and Homeland Swap Deaths


Family Guy brought back deceased Brian Griffin, but only on the condition that Homeland finally kill off Sgt. Nicholas Brody, according to Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane.

“I’m a huge Homeland fan,” Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane says, “and this season was the biggest burn since the band Coldplay was formed.  So I went to Showtime and told them that if they finally got rid of Brody, I’d bring back Brian.

“They’re huge Family Guy fans over there,” he said.

While the public has lauded both moves, others are not as sure.  One skeptic is BrodyShipper89, a teenage girl who specializes in Homeland Fan Fiction and reportedly was a consultant on the show to make sure that Brody and Carrie hooked up. 

“Sure, we’re all happy to have Brian Griffin back,” she said.  “But what does this mean for the rest of us, for whom Homeland has given us hours of erotic fan fiction?” 

Fortunately, BrodyShipper89 is starting a new book-length fanfic about a love affair between Carrie and Saul.  Supposedly, the show runners are interested in making it the crux of season four—even though that last sentence sounds like a Family Guy cutaway joke.

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